Healthcare Intake Forms At Medical Facilities Aren’t Trans Inclusive And That Needs To Change


#TransFormNow When we talk about inclusion of trans persons and their access to equitable health care services, the conversation often circles and eventually settles on gender-neutral washrooms, inclusive wards, non-discriminatory approach of the staff and much more. On the face, it appears promising. In reality, it is in a vacuum. Much has been said, some…

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Dear Public Health Folks in India!


I moved to Delhi when i was ten years old, back in the 1990s. For most of my life, I have consulted one doctor in particular, who is an excellent homeopathy practitioner. I remember being really young, around 15 years old, when i bought myself a punk, masculine necklace. When i got back home, my…

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Homosexuality not a psychiatric disorder: Indian Psychiatric Society


Days before Supreme Court’s ongoing hearing on reviewing criminalization of homosexuality under section 377 of Indian Penal Code, Indian Psychiatric Association (IPS) made a notable statement regarding homosexuality. This largest association of psychiatrists in the country, in their first official written stance on homosexuality declared that in their opinion it is not a psychiatric disorder.…

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WHO Removes Transgender Identities from List of Disorders: Der Aaye Durast Aaye!


The World Health Organization finally removed transgender identities from its list of diseases and health problems. According to the latest revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), gender identities disorders have been reframed as “gender incongruence” and is now moved under chapter on “sexual health”, rather then listed under “mental disorders”. Many nations, including India,…

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